Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Hearts in Ministry: Responding to the Call

The April 4, 2008 issue of the Diocese of Green Bay's "Connection to Education" includes an interview conducted by Julianne Donlon, Adult Faith Formation Director. This month's Hearts in Ministry topic is Theology of the Body:

Amber Yost of Elizabeth Ministries recently concluded her very popular Theology of the Body Study Group series which was sponsored by the Department of Education. Here Amber answers a number of questions regarding Theology of the Body, Elizabeth Ministries, and the challenges of responding to the Gospel values.

What is TOTB?
The author of TOTB, John Paul the Great is perhaps the greatest mind since St. Thomas Aquinas. TOTB is a revolution in understanding of the complexities of love, attraction and sexual relationship. It is a refreshing vision in sharp contrast to the cheap images that the world offers.

Why is this such an important topic for adults?
TOTB inspires wonder and awe of the Lord and His Creation leading to true happiness that can only be found living life God's way. We can become so selfish without even realizing it. Even couples who were once romantic lovers can take each other for granted in time. What TOTB does is show us how each person and everything in this world is a gift from God that gives us a glimmer of his endless generosity and creativity which we'll fully experience in Heaven.

Why do you think TOTB has been so successful among adults?Young adults have a spirit of rebellion against the TV and marketing that have sold us cheap immitations of love. We are seeing the aftermath all around us and are not satisfied. We want to know that our relationships will make it and realize that there is nothing in this world that can guarantee that except to give ourselves whole-heartedly to Christ. So we are willing to give everything to Him. And how? In what ways? TOTB shows the ways. It is very counter-cultural, some would say old-fashioned. In our rebellion of the new ways that are failing, young adults are bring back the old ways with a profound new understanding. Older Adults are finding through TOB an understanding of Church Teachings related to relationships and sexuality.

What are the challenges of presenting TOTB to adults in this Diocese?
Making it accessible and affordable. Elizabeth Ministry provides practical resourcesa and study groups for TOTB. Elizabeth Ministry is a 501c(3) and needs funding to continue these offerings.

What things are you doing to build upon and expand the TOTB study group?
We are offering a TOTB Evening once a month for adults. For more information, go here
. We will continue with our Young Adult (age 18-35) Audience Group which meets weekly.

Who has attended the TOTB study group?
We have 40 registrants ages 18 and up from many different parishes.

What are a few of the issues that adults are most curious to learn about?
Contraception, how it harms the body and the relationship and Natural Family Planning which is as effective in spacing childbirth but has opposite effects on the body and the relationship. Contrasting contraception and NFP is curious because they may be used for the same ends, however the difference is profoundly deeper than one would guess.

Outline the challenges of studying TOTB for adults.
What advice would you give to those who are thinking about studying TOTB?
Study it in a group. Meet frequently. Pray together. Have fellowship together. Build community, support of a small Christian community is so needed to live good Christian values in this world.

For more information regarding Theology of the Body go to this website.

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