"Over the past two months, I have used this column to outline the department of education’s shared strategic vision for our role in advancing lifelong Catholic learning throughout the Diocese of Green Bay. We recognize that our religious education programs, Catholic schools, and adult faith formation initiatives are equal partners in the viability of that vision. This month, I would like to highlight the importance of adult faith formation.
Without being the voice of doom and gloom, it is evident that the U.S. bishops recognize a crisis of faith in this country. Fewer and fewer Catholics attend Mass with any type of regularity. Many adults know little or nothing of their faith and often are placed in an awkward position when questioned by their children. Also, our society is increasingly secular and our American culture is more and more materialistic and utilitarian.
Two years ago, after conversations with Bishop Zubik, and a thorough reading of the National Directory on Catechesis and Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us, we set up a separate office within the department that focused strictly on adult faith formation.
Having traveled around the Diocese of Green Bay meeting folks involved in catechesis and having attended NCEA and NCCL conventions, I have learned that there are different approaches to adult faith formation. One size doesn’t fit all. The good news is that there are a variety of very successful adult faith formation programs in our Diocese.
The five parishes of Neenah/Menasha, for example, collaborate on a robust adult faith formation calendar that offers diverse programs to many. There are many parishes with successful intergenerational programs, whose hybrid approach includes whole community catechesis within the framework of solid doctrinal teaching for the younger members of the parish. Other examples include the Credo program in Tigerton and Fr. Don Zuelger’s long-running bible study at St. Bernadette Parish in Appleton. At the diocesan level, we offer both basic and advanced religious certification programs and during the past year sponsored Fr. John Girotti’s “Know Your Faith” series as well as the Genesis to Jesus bible study.
On the front lines are the numerous parishes that offer sacramental preparation courses for parents, the theology courses, workshops, and symposia offered at St. Norbert College and Silver Lake College, the many catechetical articles in The Compass, the enrichment offered through Leadership and TEAM Days. “Living the Faith: Lake to Lake,” a collaborative effort of the parishes in Manitowoc, Kewaunee, and Calumet counties, provides solid cost-effective programming. All of these forms of adult faith formation provide a richness of experience, methodology, and learning outcomes.
Next month, I will use this space to outline a multi-step process that is currently being implemented in this critical area of catechesis."
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